Join Home Concerts
as an Artist

Welcome to Home Concerts! Please watch the video above to understand what our community is about.

If after watching the video you are interested to Join, please tap the "I'm Interested" button below to contact us.

I'm interested
Enter the artist name
Enter a city
Enter a video link
YouTube, Vimeo or other public video link
Enter a video link
YouTube, Vimeo or other public video link
Enter a social network URL (Facebook, YouTube or Instagram)
Facebook, YouTube or Instagram profile
Enter a phone number, you will be reached via Whatsapp
You will be reached via Whatsapp
Thank you for submitting your music to play at Home Concerts.

Unfortunately, due to the high volume of requests from acts we receive, we cannot get back to everyone so we will only contact those that have been successful to play.

However, if you don’t hear back from us and you have new recordings, please feel free to keep us in the loop of your progress by resubmitting your work.

Thank you for being part of this amazing community!

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